Research Reports

NAND Flash

NAND Flash Industry Value Poised to Grow More than 10% in 2015


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


The shrinking NAND Flash production costs resulting from the NAND Flash industry's advancing technology are expected to boost demand for various end products, including SSDs and eMMCs, according to DRAMeXchange, a division of the Taiwan based market intelligence firm TrendForce...

NAND Contract Price 2H Nov. 2014


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


The US-based NAND Flash manufacturer has lowered the prices of its NAND Flash components as a means to boost sales during the quarter end accounting period, according to DRAMeXchange, the memory and storage research division of TrendForce...

NAND Flash Industry Analysis Report-4Q14


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +3


Reviewing the NAND flash market in the third quarter, strong demand from Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus helped balance out excess NAND flash supply and resulted in a 5-6% QoQ increase in average NAND flash contract price. NAND flash suppliers' operating margins were generally better than in the second quarter...

NAND Contract Price 1H Nov 2014


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


According to DRAMeXchange, a division of global research firm TrendForce, restocking demand for memory card and universal flash drive products did not pick up in anticipation of upcoming holidays like China's Singles' Day and U.S. and Europe's Thanksgiving and Christmas...

Growing OEM Demand Results in 12.2% QoQ Revenue Increase for NAND Flash Suppliers in 3Q14


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


With strong demand due to the arrival of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus as well as healthy OEM shipments, eMMC, eMCP, and SSD growth was on average higher in the third quarter than in the first half of the year. Additionally, NAND flash prices were stable...

NAND Flash Contract Price 2H Oct_2014


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


NAND Flash market demand has weakened as Apple and OEMs begin to lower their orders and the UFD and memory card markets show weaker than expected performances, according to DRAMeXchange, the memory and storage research division of TrendForce...

PC-Client OEM SSD Contract Price 4Q14


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


The contract prices for PC-Client OEM SSDs slid by 4-8% in Q4, according to DRAMeXchange, the memory and storage research division of TrendForce. For the SSDs featuring the relatively higher densities--for example, the 128GB and 256GB models--the price declines tend to be more apparent...

eMMC Contract Price 4Q14


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


The increased NAND Flash demand driven by Apple’s growing iPhone 6/6Plus sales have enabled NAND Flash manufacturers to maintain an advantage in the price negotiation process, according to DRAMeXchange, the memory and storage research division of TrendForce...

NAND Flash Contract Price 1H Oct_2014


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


The growing demands for Apple's new products have prompted the company to raise its NAND Flash orders in October, according to DRAMeXchange, the memory and storage research division of TrendForce...

NAND Contract Price 2H Sep 2014


Semiconductors , NAND Flash


According to DRAMeXchange, a division of global market research firm TrendForce, as module clients expect weak memory card and universal flash drive sales during China's October 1 national holiday, they were unwilling to accept sellers' prices...

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